Call for tenderingof the procurement of sporting equipment of junior teams

2017.02.22. 17:04 |

The Hungarian Ice Hockey Federation wishes to announce an open call for tendering of the procurement of specified ice-hockey sporting equipment for the national male and female ice-hockey teams of all age-groups.

With respect to the specific equipment of the national teams of all age groups, the tenderer is calling for bids on the delivery of

  • best quality black headgear,
  • perspex helmet with different types of bends,
  • best quality national tricolored gloves,
  • two-part undergarment with logo
  • unique, national tricolored stick (optional flex, kickpoint, grip and scoop, max 420gr)
  • ice-skate blade; transparent adhesive tape, lace, grindstone and diamond (ProSharp / Blademaster)

with the determination of respective prices assigned to ordered quantities.

Business associations registered in the European Union shall be invited to participate in the tendering procedure. Participants shall substantiate that they are not subject to insolvency or liquidation procedure.

The tender bids shall specify the name, registered office(s), registration number, community tax number and contact information of the contact person of the tenderer. The following details shall be described in short in the tendering proposals:

  1. ice-hockey or sport references of both the bidder and the branded products (in respect of the branded products the references of national/international sporting clubs/associations as main clients shall be indicated as reference);
  2. product descriptions and quantified bids for the tendered items (grouped by quality, size and design elements; also priced by item groups) and
  • additional possible bids for payment construction and/or financing.

The inspection of the reference products shall be available to tenderer during the procedure.

The bids shall be submitted via e-mail to the following e-mail address: addressed to Mr. Zoltán Kovács, Secretary General or mailed to the postal address of Magyar Jégkorong Szövetség: (HU 1146 Budapest, Istvánmezei út 1-3.), no later than the 28th of February, 2017.

The tenderer shall announce results of the tendering procedure by the 31st of March 2017. In the evaluation procedure each bid shall be evaluated in their complexity (judgment shall be exercised on the basis of individual aspects of each case), and if necessary, based on subsequent bilateral negotiations. The Tenderer reserves the right to request the supplementation of further information/documentation, or even request personal presentations and/or competitive price negotiation.

Bidders shall be notified about the results of the tender procedure via mail, without any obligation by the tenderer for justification. Present invitation for tender entails no binding obligation on the side of the Tenderer, as it has the right to amend the terms of tender, or in case of lack of tenders meeting the tendering criteria, even to declare the entire procedure as unsuccessful or partially successful.

Bidders shall be required to compile their bids and provide reference products at their own cost.


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