András Horváth and his coaching staff decided to go with three goalies, eight defencemen and 11 forwards for the tournament in Latvia. There are six Hungarian teams represented on the roster with one player coming from Canada.
Hungarian team will be in Group D for the tournament where they will take on the Zürich Lions, Tverichi from Russia, Tordön Black from Sweden, Diskos from Finland and Pardaugava from the host country. The tournament starts on March 30th with the group stage games being played on the 30th, 31st and April 1st, with the knockout stage starting on the 1st and being finished up on the 2nd.
Last season the Hungarian took home the bronze medal.
March 30:
HUNGARY-Tordön 08:15
HUNGARY-Zürich 17:00
March 31:
HUNGARY-Diskos 09:30
HUNGARY-Tverichi 20:45
April 1:
HUNGARY-Pardaugava 07:30
Knockout stage and placement games
April 2:
Placement games, Bronze and gold medal games
A keret
Antek Tamás | DHK | G |
Balázs Olivér | VASAS | G |
Remete Gergő | UTE | G |
Balázsi Márton | UTE | D |
Fülöp Bence | IOGJA | D |
Hadobás Zétény | MAC | D |
Horváth Donát | MAC | D |
Jécsai Dávid Adorján | MAC | D |
Lászlóffy Botond Balázs | UTE | D |
Révász Botond | UTE | D |
Szabó Kornél | DHK | D |
Ádám Zsolt | MAC | F |
Ambrus Csongor | IOGJA | F |
Antal Norbert Bendegúz | PHC | F |
Bartók András | DHK | F |
Fodor Balázs | IOGJA | F |
Jábor Bendegúz | IOGJA | F |
Károly Róbert Nikolász | VASAS | F |
Mihalik András | NORTH YORK RANGERS (USA) | F |
Simon Levente | UTE | F |
Tamási László | UTE | F |
Varga Balázs | IOGJA | F |
A stáb |
Horváth András |
Vezetőedző |
Zalavári Bence | Másodedző |
Galsi Péter | Másodedző |
Székely Csaba | Kapusedző |
Speier Kálmán | Felszerelésmenedzser |
Végh Bendek Anton | Csapatvezető |